Ulaanbaatar MONTSAME. On June 5, the Ministry of Health reported that 1. 393 new cases were detected in Mongolia after testing 10. 700 people nationwide within the past 24 hours. More specifically, 1. 092 new cases were detected in the capital city and 299 cases in rural regions, with two citizens that arrived on charter flights testing positive.   As of today, the total number of COVID-19 confirmed cases in Mongolia now stands at 63. 978. In the past 24 hours, 829 patients made recovery, bringing the total recoveries to 53. 595.  Furthermore, six new COVID-19 related deaths have been reported, raising the countrys death toll to 307. Of the 5. 315 patients currently undergoing treatment, there are 2. 995 patients in mild, 1. 694 in serious, 504 in critical, and 122 in very critical condition.