The number 69 has gotten a bad rep for many years because of the perception of separation between man and woman, as the focus used to be on the supposed differences, yet the truth is that we merge and become one together so easily as we see that the differences that have been highlighted are only what have been learned through society yet not the truth of our essence. People perceive 69 as being very sexualbut think about the images you receive when thinking of this number if you are like many, you may see a woman and man (or any combination of sexes as partners) both physicallysexually equally giving to each other at the same time, hence the balance. I n this vision, not only are the partners giving, but they are also receiving. Balance is about both allowing yourself to give but also to receive. This is truly what the number represents, the yin yang or balance. Therefore, we can take away the sexual connotation that the number has and take this balance into all of our interactions, a nd loving with our partner. And I also have to say that the physical intimacy is about loving deeper than just the physical partsit is about balancing to include the physical (while knowing that sharing such is completely limitless) and all parts of a beingwe are truly more than our bodies.