Hello this deal and today Im going to be talking about how to fill out these 1099 miscellaneous forms or 1099 mi ac forms now a lot of times when youve hired a contractor do some work you know you sign a contract you you ask them to do certain amount of work they finish it up you pay him off and off you go well at the end of the year you should really be filling out these 1099 forms to tell the IRS how much you paid them and these forms dont really record any taxes you know youre not paying them taxes youre hoping that theyll pay their own taxes you check their credentials their illegal operation they pay their own taxes here youre just reporting what you paid them and thats kind of what Im focused on today you could fill out a whole bunch of tax information here as well but just for like hiring contractors youre just reporting what you paid them has nothing to do with taxes they deal with the taxes so the first thing before you can even fill this out is to have your contractor or who ever your piano teacher etc fill out the form w-4 form and this basically they only have to worry about tax deductions or what have you they just what youre after is their name address and their social security number or their tax ID number and so this is what you want to ask them to fill out before they do any work for you and just to kind of tell you what youre up against in general if you pay pay somebody more than lets say three or six hundred dollars you should really have them fill this out and legally just like for contractors if you fill out the 1099 form you have to fill this out if you pay anybody six hundred dollars or more thats not a gift so thats kind of where the starting point is so again Cavan fill out the tent the w-4 form before they start the work after they finish the work record how much you pay them and then at the end of the year you have to fill one of these and and lets go over how to fill one of these things out and its really simple basically you go to the I RS office and you ask them for 1099 miscellaneous form and they give you one of these theyll ask you how many you want if you just want one two or three of these things but if you ask for one theyll give you one with actually two forms on it it comes two forms for a page so dont get confused you only really have to fill out one per person Ive had Ive known people whove actually thought they had to fill out both of these for one person and that totally screws up everybodys screws of the IRS screws up screws up the taxpayer if you paint one person you fill out one top if you fill out if you pay two people you fill out one for one the bottom for the other the top is not perforated this is what you send the IRS the other copies theres copy one is perforated you can kind of cut across and so youd be sending one to one person one to the other person so this is how it works just the top is just your name your address and your telephone number you basically who you.